Introduction to R

Using R Studio

An IDE for R

An integrated development environment is software that makes coding easier

  • see objects you’ve imported and created
  • autocomplete
  • syntax highlighting
  • run part or all of your code

Start fresh

  • If you have used R previously, an old workspace may still be active when you open RStudio
  • You always want to start with a fresh session
  • Go to Tools -> Global Options, and under General, change these settings:


Now, you can just quit and restart RStudio if something goes wrong! You can also go to Session -> Restart R to clear your session.



  • Some functions are built into R
    • mean(), lm(), table(), etc.
  • They actually come from built-in packages
    • base, stats, graphics, etc.
  • Anyone (yes, anyone) build their own package to add to the functionality of R
    • {ggplot2}, {dplyr}, {data.table}, {survival}, etc. 1


  • You have to install a package once1
  • You then have to load the package every time you want to use it


“You only have to buy the book once, but you have to go get it out of the bookshelf every time you want to read it.”


Several days later…


Package details

  • When you use install.packages, packages are downloaded from CRAN (The Comprehensive R Archive Network)
    • This is also where you downloaded R
  • Packages can be hosted lots of other places, such as Bioconductor (for bioinformatics), and Github (for personal projects or while still developing)
  • The folks at CRAN check to make things “work” in some sense, but don’t check on the statistical methods…
    • But because R is open-source, you can always read the code yourself
  • Two functions from different packages can have the same name… if you load them both, you may have some trouble


Using R

The biggest difference between R and Stata is that R can have many different objects in its environment

  • datasets, numbers, figures, etc.
  • you have to be explicit about storing and retrieving objects
    • e.g., what dataset a variable belongs to

R uses <- to store objects in the environment

I call this the “assignment arrow”

Now vals holds those values


No assignment arrow means that the object will be printed to the console (and lost forever!)


We can retrieve those values by running just the name of the object

[1]   1 645 329

We can also perform operations on them using functions like mean()

[1] 325

If we want to keep the result of that operation, we need to use <- again

Types of data (classes)

We could also create a character vector:

[1] "dog"   "cat"   "rhino"

Or a logical vector:



We’ll see more options as we go along!

Types of objects

We created vectors with the c() function (c stands for concatenate)

We could also create a matrix of values with the matrix() function:

     [,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,]  234   12  183
[2,] 7456  654  753


The numbers in square brackets are indices, which we can use to pull out values:

[1] "cat"

We can pull out rows or columns from matrices:

[1] 7456  654  753
[1]  234 7456
